Friday, March 14.

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Android Q can gain multi-window mode much more functional than the current one

The Android Q is still a little far from being officially announced, but several news related to the system are often popping up on the internet. The newest feature is the multi-window usability that will allow all apps included in it to be active simultaneously.
Anyone who needs to use various applications on smartphones or similar device with the Android operating system has always encountered a certain difficulty because of the limitation of multi-window mode, which did not allow the use of apps without harming the operation of the other.
However, Android 10 Q can bring Multi-Resume mode, where 2 or more applications will be active at the same time, optimizing various user tasks. This new feature will only be possible thanks to the flexible displays, as they will need a way to make the screen area even more useful.
Image: XDA Developers site
We know that since Android 7.0 Nougat there is the possibility of working with multi-window mode in several applications, finding as a barrier that some developers do not make this usability available in their apps. However, the new version of the system will require these manufacturers to allow such use to make the functionality even more complete.

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