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    Seek Knowledge: Youtube is used by 87% of users to learn something new

    YouTube is the largest and most democratic video platform in the world, serving as a "cradle" for various niches around the world, making content exploitation almost infinite. Something interesting about this site is that it offers different opportunities to learn something new, and this helps to grow the level of personal knowledge as well as solve a curiosity.
    The Pew Research Center research center released data on a finding made based on the behavior of users within the platform. According to the company, of the 4,594 respondents, 87% are using Youtube to learn something new.

    The most interesting of this statistic is that 41% are 65 years or older, which shows how much the generations that were born long before the popularization of computers is concerned with integrating with the changes of the present century. It is worth remembering that, here in Brazil, the flow of students researching content related to school subjects at the end of the year grows, mainly due to the approximation of the vestibular.
    Despite the window of knowledge offered by the video platform, unfortunately, it is necessary to be aware of the content consumed, because not everyone teaches what is being researched in the correct way, causing this to generate an even greater intellectual conflict, causing the tool of knowledge becomes dubious.

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