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    Apps of the Week: Best apps for Android, iOS and Windows [09/11/18]

    Every week several applications and software go through updates, bringing improvements that need to be known to their users since they help improve productivity directly or indirectly, especially those involving management of some type of media.
    The TodoCelular team has separated some that have been featured during this week so you know what the news has been installed on them. As always, we split these content into categories, which are: cross-platform - available for more than one operating system -, Android, iOS and Windows. Check out!



    The beta version of the application started receiving this week a function that allows the user to respond to a contact from a particular group privately. Although it looks like a simple update, it can serve to optimize conversations that can be solved in a simpler way when only two people are communicating on a certain subject.
    To access this option, simply select a conversation, as if it were to respond or forward to some contact, click on the three vertically aligned dots and select the "Respond on Private" option. So your contact will know exactly what subject you are referring to when starting the conversation in the private window.

    Facebook Messenger

    Whoever uses the messenger as often as WhatsApp knows that being able to delete messages was one of the best options added in recent years for him, but other messaging applications still did not have that function. Luckily this week this tool began to be released for Messenger users, but there are some remarks to be made.
    In blue messenger, a maximum of 10 minutes is allowed for the messages to be deleted, so you must pay attention in a short time in what is being shared with your contacts because each second is essential.

    Instagram (1, 2 )

    The photo posting application has already begun testing a new layout, reordering the various tools scattered throughout the user profile, with the goal of making navigation more fluid in different situations, especially for those who manage different profiles.
    Those who use stories as a way to get the job done know that engaging is very important, and getting followers to look at posts helps you close new work contracts and further develop your profile's business potential. Thinking about it, Instagram has launched a tool that allows the promotion of stories, making the redirection of those who view the profile or site.


    Google's file manager has changed its name from "Files GO" to "Files". The novelty came along with a new Material Design, making the application even cleaner and viewing some tabs visually more attractive. The icons have also been modified, so its usability is even more similar to what is applied to some Android interfaces.


    The Android version of the browser has gained some modifications that will be very well seen by users, especially the one that allows the blocking of text windows in the cookie. Another new feature is the creation of shortcuts to new tabs or to perform searches directly on the smartphone home screen, a change that can help at a time of rapid navigation.

    Google Photos

    The latest update to Google's standard photo app brought back after a year the ability to back up images while it's loading, something that users liked a lot. Another new feature is the ability to upload images to the cloud storage even when the smartphone is almost empty.

    Microsoft Launcher

    Microsoft's launcher underwent several changes to its version 5.0, including redistribution of the feed, which is now divided into 3 tabs: Overview, News, and Timeline. In addition to this novelty, the profile photo was also reduced to more intelligently grouping to shortcuts related to Cortana and the QR-Code reader.

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