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  • Breaking News

    Take care, Disney! Netflix is ​​under negotiation to buy Albuquerque ABQ Studios

    Netflix has seen the success that their productions have achieved, and for this reason is investing more and more in the background to make their movies and series true cinematographic works. Aiming to materialize this desire, the company owner of the largest entertainment streaming service is in the process of negotiating to buy Albuquerque ABQ Studios .

    Even though it seems simple for the company, after all it has one of the highest billings in the world , there are some New Mexico state guidelines that need to be followed for the purchase to be made. There is a requirement that Netflix commit to give up to $ 10 million (~ $ 37.7 million in direct conversion) in funding from the state's Local Economic Development Act.
    According to information, Netflix is ​​still committed to generating $ 1 billion (~ $ 3.7 billion in direct conversion) to New Mexico over the next 10 years and generating at least 1,000 jobs a year . If this information is real, the arrival of the streaming service to run the ABQ studio will bring a lot of fruit to the state, especially in the generation of work, citizen empowerment in different areas and even in the growth of the Albuquerque structure and general.

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