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  • Breaking News

    Security guaranteed! Uber provides emergency button for drivers

    After officially releasing the emergency button for users in Brazil , Uber now implemented the same functionality within the employees' application, aiming to provide more safety to the drivers on the platform.
    In short, the application will now have an icon in the shield format, located in the left corner. When triggered, the application commands a direct call to the police and informs the current address so the driver can provide when requesting help.
    In addition, the location of the trip sharing facility has been made easier, so it is also possible to send itinerary information to a friend, thus allowing someone else to know the route and thus can provide support if something happens to the driver.
    This is yet another innovation implemented by the application aimed at the safety of the driver and arrives complementing the verification by CPF of the passengers and the blocking of trips considered dangerous through the use of machine learning.
    The new features are starting to be released today (10th) and will be available to all partners within 15 days.

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