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    Even faster: TIM will debut 4G of 2.1 GHz in three more Brazilian capitals

    TIM's 4G should be even faster in three new Brazilian capitals; from 2019, the mobile operator will offer the service on the 2.1 GHz spectrum in Belo Horizonte (MG), Curitiba (PR) and Florianópólis (SC).
    Plans for frequency redistricting - which, by the way, is compatible with at least 80% of today's 4G smartphones - should occur by the end of March.
    The company - which stood out as the best operator in 4G accessibility in Brazil - began testing the service in Fortaleza (CE), the capital where the 2.1 GHz refarm yielded a 50% increase in data traffic speed - using only 10 MHz of the 2.1 GHz band.

    Best of all, the signal distribution equipment does not need to be changed, it will only undergo a software upgrade, which should speed up the process.
    TIM already has 4G 2.1GHz coverage in 180 cities in the northeast region, and the migration occurred transparently to the user. With re-routing, you can add carriers using different spectra (1.8 GHz, 800 MHz, and 700 MHz).
    This will allow an increase in the quality of mobile navigation vi 4G - which already generates more than 85% of the company's mobile revenue, which together with the improvements in the online attendance and improvements in the self-service, should elevate the experience of use for many clients.

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