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    Instagram introduced the new Nametags feature

    The social network Instagram, Facebook, is well aware that the user will leave the service from time to time. It is not a complete exit, rather like closing the app or not opening it as often as the company would imagine. 
    Surely you know very well - you are browsing through the application and you can not find anything interesting anymore. That's why you decide to close the app and start drawing it elsewhere. And that's exactly why Instagram now comes with a pair of new features. 
    Functions are designed to connect you with other people and to diversify the chart. Of course, the update is available on a global scale and is available not only on iOS but also on Android. Let's introduce ourselves. 

    Nametags or scanning codes

    Instagram introduced the novelty of Nametags. At first glance it seems to be a classic QR code scan, but the opposite is true. In essence, these are customizable codes accessible from your profile offer. These can then be scanned, allowing the user to instantly access your profile. 
    You can change your own Nametag in a variety of ways. This means that you can freely modify it, for example, as I use an emoticon in the form of a "loophole". There is also space for your selfie and so on. Great for this feature is that you can put your own Nametag on your website or send it to social media - WhatsApp, Messenger and so on. However, it is very surprising that we have had to wait for this feature for as long as Snapchat's competitive platform has been offering it since 2015. 

    As far as the other news is concerned, Instagram is beginning to test school communities at various universities in the US. With this option, you will be able to connect to your university's network and add it to your profile. Using this, you can find people from the same school and get to know them. 

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