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    BABAHU X1, the first toothbrush with Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence has been increasingly present in our lives, thanks to the increasing ease of incorporating features to the most varied products found, ranging from smartphones to cars.
    However, a curious accessory has recently emerged in the indiegogo, crowdfound focused platform for innovative projects and that need to raise funds to follow up on their projects.
    This is BABAHU X1, the first dental brush for adults and children that adopts the use of artificial intelligence techniques to brush the teeth more efficiently.
    With the shape of the mouth, the brush has a series of rods and eliminates the need to hold the equipment after switching on, thus allowing day-to-day tasks to be performed while it is concerned with performing the personal cleaning service.
    According to the developer, it has an algorithm that "divides" its mouth into areas related to tooth type, thus giving specific treatment to each area and uses the Bass technique, recommended by most oral health professionals.
    The bristles are soft and "attack" on 6 sides, each with a specific angle of 45 °, guaranteed great cleaning ability and its durability is guaranteed, thanks to its edible silicone mouthpiece, in addition to being obviously d ' Water.
    The charging of it is also a highlight, having a fast charge by induction, which manages to guarantee autonomy of 30 days in a load of two hours.
    The link of the indiegogo is below, for those interested in knowing a little more about the project.

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